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Hey everybody, 

A few years ago, I put out a deck called the GaryVee Content Model that helped so many influencers, SMBs, and emerging direct-to-consumer brands really build out their social media playbook. What I’m hoping to achieve in this in-depth Day Trading Attention deck is to accomplish the same thing – put out a free piece of content that is as valuable as a six-figure consulting practice.

The purpose of this deck is to help Fortune 5000, Fortune 500, and then the private equity-backed businesses that are smaller than that, really recognize that marketing has fundamentally changed. I believe the value in these 47 pages will help you create a framework that will allow you to build a much more significant social media strategy and marketing playbook, so that you stop being super outflanked by the emerging.

That being said, please enjoy the deck below and use it to create your complete social media marketing strategy for 2025! As always, thank you for your attention. I hope this brings lots of value to your brand or business.

Thanks for reading. If you got value from this deck, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it with your employees, your coworkers, your social media team, or anybody else who might benefit. I would also love to know what you thought. Leave me a comment below with your biggest takeaway.