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#AskGaryVee Episode 5: Asses in Seats!

By August 26, 20144 Comments2 min read

**SORRY ABOUT THE SOUND** There was a problem with the mic, and we didn’t realize it until it was too late. Still, I’d rather get you an episode with imperfect sound than not get you an episode at all! And it’s only really bad at the beginning and the end.

In this episode, I debate the definition of the word expert, I talk about why I get paid so much to speak at events, and I dig deep into one of my absolute favorite topics: Company culture. Who controls it? How do you change it? What do you do if it sucks? Find out in today’s episode.

Welcome to The #AskGaryVee show, where I answer your questions about marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship. Want to get on the show? Tweet me your question with #AskGaryVee!

Music by Rome Fortune –


00:35 – What are your thoughts on starting to share content before you are an expert? do you wait?
02:09 – When you left the daily grape was it for Misha or Vaynermedia?
02:41 – How do you change the culture to one of “genuinely caring” about the customer?
03:46 – How do you book speaking engagements when you aren’t well known yet.
04:42 – Since you published Crush it, what changes have you seen on online content creation? and how can people maximize it?


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