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Every Company is a Media Company

By August 28, 201424 Comments1 min read

Ken Yeung posted a tweet that started an interesting conversation amongst a few people, but it’s a subject that I’ve been on for awhile now. 

This tweet was just another indication that things are moving in the direction I’ve always suspected, which is this: Every single company out there, where they know it or not, is a media company in addition to the business or product that they specialize in.

This is a world where you don’t have to invest in a printing press, or a satellite, or a sales team in order to distribute your story anymore. Everybody is able to use the internet – or rather the tools being built on it like YouTube, Medium, Instagram, and Twitter – for distribution of their content. Over the next decade, more and more people are going to come to realize this, be it companies or individuals.

The faster your business realizes that it’s a media company, the more likely it will be to succeed in 2020, in 2025, in 2030…

…In my humble opinion.


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