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As we hit Thanksgiving this week, I can’t help but think about how thankful I am that you ever paid attention.

Yes, you. Reading this now.

Thank you.

I’m thankful that I was blessed with two amazing parents who raised a child that people actually want to pay attention to.

When I say “pay attention”, I mean an enormous range of things. That could mean watching a video, or listening to a keynote, or reading an article…I’m just thankful that you ever gave me the time of day.

Whether you’ve done it for the last seven years or you did it once for seven minutes, I just want you to all know that I’m thankful for the thing that matters the most: your attention.

It’s a precious asset. As you know, I think attention is everything. It’s the thing we all hold most close. By giving me your attention, it means you’re giving me your time. And I will never take that for granted. I’m just so happy that I was gifted with ways to communicate that even allow for people to pay attention in the first place.

Did I say I’m thankful enough? I really mean it.

So thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.


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