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What’s up VaynerNation!

Obviously times are hard right now. That’s why it’s important now, more than ever, for us to empathize with one another and stay positive. Nothing good comes from dwelling–if anything, it often leads to unhappiness and anger. Many people have a lot of anger toward this year, but in life often having hard conversations with yourself can lead to a lot of good. This is the year that forced you to have those hard conversations, this is the year that woke you up. There are still so many ways to remain positive. Keep reading to learn my top tips for staying positive in our current climate.

1. Be grateful.

Gratitude is so so important. It’s easy to think of the year that might have been, and of all the cool things you would be able to do if most of the world wasn’t restricted in some way. However, think about the things that wouldn’t have happened if Covid had arrived in North America just a few months earlier. 

I was having this exact conversation with a friend. His business was in trouble and he was feeling down. I had to remind him of how good he still had it. I wasn’t just saying that to make him feel better, I was being real. If we had shut down in January, most people would have had to stay home, events would have been cancelled and many bad things would not have happened. 

2. Have perspective.

This one is similar to the first, but it’s much more macro. Rather than focusing on the way you’re feeling, think about what this climate means for everyone else. I would say the majority of people are feeling anxious or worried about the state of the world. If you want to stay positive, you can’t just dwell on your own problems. Think about how you can help other people. I’m sure there are many people in your inner circle and community at large who could use some support. If you’re able to, supporting someone else in their time of need is one of the best feelings in the world.

3. Be accountable. 

Okay, accountability is a word many people don’t like to hear because it doesn’t come naturally for most. It may take years of practice but, how else can you change the world if you don’t start with yourself. Rather than worrying about all the things you can’t change, why don’t you start by setting goals and meeting them. Now is the time to put your money where your mouth is–no one is going to force you to become the person you’re meant to be. It’s hard, but I know you can do it! Plus, setting hard goals and meeting them helps a lot when you’re trying to maintain a positive mindset. 

4. Pick up a hobby.

Speaking of accountability, now is the perfect time to follow your passion. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, and you have time to spare, now is the moment to do it. Just start. People have no idea how much immense happiness and gratification they’ll feel once they accomplish something that’s special to them. Your passion doesn’t have to be productive. It doesn’t have to be what your parents like or what your friends think is cool. Following your passion should be the thing you’re excited to do first thing in the morning. It should guide your thoughts throughout the day.

Have some self-awareness and be honest about what you want to do. Then start doing it!

5. Exercise

This one is tough, but it has to make the list. I could go on and on about the benefits of exercise, but I don’t have to. It’s been documented over and over again. Staying active helps your mental health as well as your physical well being. Now is the perfect time to sign up for a virtual class, get used to running early in the morning before everyone else is up, and just move. 

I am the least naturally healthy person there is, and I exercise. My process of getting healthy has made me have so much empathy for people who believe in quick results. Or maybe I should say faster results. After a year of “grinding”, doing reps and core work, I still didn’t have the massive body builder frame that I wanted. I just didn’t have an understanding of health and fitness. It takes reps, it takes time, it takes years, and it takes decades. The question is, do you enjoy it?

We all have strengths and weaknesses though. If you need too, hire a personal trainer or workout with a friend who keeps you accountable. Some of us need coaches and some of us need teammates. Again, it’s all about self-awareness and doing what is best for you.

6. Virtually surround yourself with positive people 

This one is super important. Use this time to connect with your friends and the people who have supported you. I spoke about this in depth on Tea With GaryVee. 

If you’re taking a virtual exercise class, take one with a friend. If you’re starting a new hobby to create content or as a way to prioritize your mental health–do it with a friend. Have a Zoom party if you want.

We are so lucky to have so much technology at our disposal. There are so many ways to stay connected. So, reach out and you may be surprised with what happens next.