This episode was filmed the day the #AskGaryVee Book launched, so I answered questions about the production of the book, my favorite thing about it, and much more.
Questions answered on this episode
- What was the most difficult aspect about the production of this book?
- Can you talk a little bit about the outline/organization process of the #AskGaryVee book? How did you decide the best order of info?
- What is the most humbling thing that has happened to you through this book’s promotion?
- What’s surprised you the most with the success of the boooooooook launch? Compared to your last book. Thanks for all you do!
- What did it feel like to see the book in stores today?
Resources from this episode
Question of the day
- No question on this episode; I decided instead to giveaway 100 books and asked people to tag who should get one.
This was an excellent read. Very thorough and well-researched.