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#AskGaryVee Episode 14: Refuse to Lose!

By September 5, 2014737 Comments2 min read

#QOTD: Where’s your favorite vacation spot? 

#mini-QOTD: Sound off if you have discovered me because of this show!

00:36 – What roles does internal culture play in the company’s success? Can you give 1 concrete tip on building that culture?
02:15 – Have you read any books changed your life in a very positive way?
03:50- What were the 3 most effective things you did to drive book sales?
06:16 – Do you see a parallel between Tennis and Business?
09:40: What situations do you find yourself most comfortable in?

Loving these video questions, but definitely try to keep them to under 30 sec! Today’s episode had a really special energy to it. Maybe it was Nate’s cameo. Maybe it was all the talk about soccer and tennis. Maybe it was the fact that I got to work some good old-fashioned #humblebrag action in at the end. Whatever it was, this is a really truly fun episode, and perfect to share with any of your friends who might not know about The #AskGaryVee show yet.  

Welcome to The #AskGaryVee Show, where I answer your questions about marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship. Want to get on the show? Tweet me your question with #AskGaryVee!


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