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#AskGaryVee Episode 17: Dropping F-Bombs

By September 15, 20146 Comments1 min read

#QOTD: Share something about yourself in the comments. I want something to cheer me up!

01:33 – If you could market on only one platform, which one would it be and why?
03:23 – As we go from concept to final product, what is the best way to empower our readers to spread the word?
05:52 – Whats your process for vetting clients – specifically VaynerMedia?
07:22 – How do you get away with dropping the F-Bomb?
09:32 – What was the hardest thing when starting VaynerMedia?

The #AskGaryVee Show Playlist –…

Sorry I’m in just a bad mood today, guys. Miss America was a totally amazing experience, but the Jets game yesterday really put me on a bad track for this week.

On the plus side, I got to share some new facts about how I built up VaynerMedia this episode.
Welcome to The #AskGaryVee Show, where I answer your questions about marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship. Want to get on the show? Tweet me your question with #AskGaryVee!


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