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#AskGaryVee Episode 35: Email Marketing in Today’s World

By October 27, 2014654 Comments2 min read

#QOTD: What do you think of Questions, comments, concerns? What’s your $.02?

01:02 – As an email marketer, I say email is not dead. Do you think email will be more or less relevant in 3-5 years?
03:07 – I work in two different spaces. How do I use social media platforms so I am not confusing my audiences?
04:58 – How do you define hustle?
06:51– What do you really get from having 10,000 followers?
11:57 – A professor once said to me, It’s better to be a big fish in a small pond? Do you agree?


Email is definitely not dead. As most you may know by now, I’m a big fan of marketing in the year that we live in. And so, email remains to be a very killer opportunity.

Email is a channel that you can control without being at the mercy of all these other platforms that are out there. But, we also can’t be naive to the changes have been made, such as the promotions tabs that GMail implemented recently. Sure, email is falling off and these changes have caused us to lose touch with some email lists that we may have been paying attention to prior, but it’s still very much in play so long as we leverage it wisely.

Are open rates at 90% like I had in 1997? Absolutely not. But, I still believe email is very much something to be considered. There’s no question that email will certainly be less valuable in 3-5 years. Heard me say marketers ruin everything? That’s where this fits in perfectly. That’s what this is all about. Platforms come along. They present value. And marketings pounce on the opportunity to arbitrage against their audiences.

But, while us marketers are working to exploit and potentially ruin email marketing, we’re still in a time where it should most definitely be considered as part of any business’s strategy.


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