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In this episode, we get super tactical when it comes to growing your Snapchat following and who actually owns user names on social platforms.




Questions answered on this episode

  • Who owns our usernames? Us or the app? What happens if the app came around today and said that they are charging for your username? Would you pay to keep it?
  • If you’re trying to establish a legal firm, real estate sales team, a management consultant practice, are you better suited marketing your brand and your new company or focusing on the people with the skills who can bring value to your clients? Market the firm or the person?
  • Is Twitter making a comeback with their recent addition of GIFs?
  • How do we grow our Snapchat followers?

Resources from this episode

Question of the day

  • Expand on the last rant: tactics vs. religion, quantity vs. quality, branding vs. numbers. I’d love your thoughts on that answer.


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