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Earlier this week, I had my team do a Twitter poll to gauge interest in official VeeFriends avatars for your Twitter profile pictures. 95% of you were hype for the idea, so of course, we listened. If you haven’t already, I hope you take some time to Meet the 268 VeeFriends Characters. For those of you who already have a favorite, or who’ve scored your own VeeFriend during the launch, OpenSea resales, or in a Discord giveaway, this one’s for you. Download your favorite character right from this blog to secure your official VeeFriends Twitter profile avatar 🔥

P.S. Don’t see the exact avatar you want? A quick hack to have any character in any background you want is to screenshot through 😉

P.P.S. If you’re not sure how to screenshot, here’s the perfect opportunity: LEARN HERE

Downloading is easy. Simply press and hold the image and add it to your camera roll right on your phone or mobile device.

I wanted to create these avatars specifically for the “VeeFam” to flex their VeeFriends characters and easily spot and connect with each other online. I hope you enjoy 😎

Accountable Ant

Accountable Anteater

Adaptable Alien

Adventurous Astronaut

Alert Ape

Ambitious Angel

Amiable Anchovy

Amped Aye Aye 

Arbitraging Admiral

Articulate Armadillo

Aspiring Alpaca

Authentic Anaconda

Awesome African Civet

Bad-Ass Bulldog

Balanced Beetle

Bashful Blobfish

Basketball Butterfly

Be The Bigger Person

Befuddled Burglar

Benevolent Barn Owl

Big Game Bandicoot

Boisterous Beaver

Bold As Fuck Bat

Bombastic Baboon 

Boss Bobcat

Bowling Boa

Brave Bison

Breakfast Bat

Brilliant Barb

Brilliant Barracuda

Brunch Bear

Bubble Hockey Basset Hound

Bubbly Buzzard

Bullish Bull

Gary Bee

Very, Very, Very, Very Lucky Black Cat

“Content” Condor

Calm Clam

Candid Clownfish

Capable Caterpillar

Caring Camel

Charismatic Chameleon

Charming Cheetah

Checkers Chicken

Cheerful Chipmunk

Chill Chinchilla

Clever Crocodile

Common Sense Cow

Compassionate Catfish

Confident Cobra

Considerate Cowboy

Consistent Cougar

Conviction Cockroach

Courageous Cockatoo

Courteous Coyote

Courtside Cat

Creative Crab

Curious Crane

Cynical Cat

Sensitive Centipede

Dapper Dachshund

Daring Dragonfly

Decisive Duck

Dedicated Dragonfly

Detail-Oriented Dumbo Octopus

Determined Dolphin

Dialed In Dog

Dinner Deer

Dope Dodo

Driven Dragon

Dynamic Dinosaur

Eager Eagle

Earnest Ermine

Empathy Elephant

Enamoured Emu

Energetic Electric Eel

Entrepreneur Elf

Tennis Elbow

“Gone Fishing” Fish

“You’re Gonna Die” Fly

5555 Fan

Facetime Five

Facetime Flea

Facetime Fly

Facetime Fox

Facetime Frog

Flex’n Fox

Fly Firefly

Focused Falcon

Forthright Flamingo

Generous Gerbil

Gentle Giant

Genuine Giraffe

Gift Goat

Gifted Gopher

Glowing Glow Worm

Graceful Goldfish

Gracious Goose

Gracious Grasshopper

Gracious Grizzly Bear

Grateful Gar

Gratitude Gorilla

Gusty Gecko

Knowing Gnome

“Diamond Hands” Hen

“Hot Shit” Hornet

Forgiving Horned Frog

Hangout Hawk

Happy Hermit Crab

Headstrong Honey Badger

Helpful Hippo

Hodl Hyena

Honest Honey Bee

Humble Hedgehog

Humble Hummingbird

Hungry Hammerhead

Hustling Hamster

Hype Horse

Self-Aware Hare

Suffocate Hate

Bad Intentions

Impeccable Inostranet

Independent Inch Worm

Innovative Impala

Insightful Irish Terrier

Intuitive Iguana

Jolly Jack-O

Joyous Jellyfish

Juicy Jaguar

Just Jackal

Karma Kiwi

Keen Kingfisher

Keynote Koala

Kind Kudu

Kindred Kangaroo

Ping Pong Kalong

Last Glass Standing

Legendary Lemur

Legit Llama

Level Headed Lizard

Likable Leopard

Lit Lamb

Logical Lion

Loyal Lobster

Lunch Lady Bug

Fuck You Monday Mole

Macho Manta Ray

Macro Micro

Magnanimous Maltese

Major Moth

Mature Mule

Mentor Meeting Mongoose

Methodical Mammoth

Meticulous Magpie

Mint Mink

Modest Moose

Mojo Mouse

Moral Monkey

Motivated Monster

Tasteful Malayan Tapir

The Oak Monster

To The Moon Meerkat

Nifty Narwhal

Noble Numbat

Honorable Olm

O.G. Ox

Observant Oyster

Offense Oriented Orangutan

Optimistic Otter

Organized Ostrich

Faithful Pheasant

Forever Phoenix

Part Of The Team Dream

Passionate Parrot

Patient Panda

Patient Pig

Peaceful Pelican 

Perceptive Puma

Perfect Persian Cat

Perspective Pigeon

Persuasive Pigeon

Pleasant Platypus

Podcast Panther

Poised Pug

Poker Pirate

Polished Poodle

Ponder It From All Angles

Positive Porcupine

Practical Peacock

Proactive Piranha

Productive Puffin

Profound Possum

Prudent Polar Bear

Quick Quail

“Rare” Robot

Radical Rabbit

Rational Rattlesnake

Reflective Rhinoceros

Reliable Rat

Resourceful Robin

Respectful Racoon

Responsive Ram

Gleeful Sugar Glider

Jam Session Snail

Like A Sponge

Pea Salad

Secure Sparrow

Selfless Sloth

Sensible Sommelier

Sentimental Salamander

Serious Sperm Whale

Shadow Me Scorpion

Sharing Squirrel

Shrewd Shark

Shrewd Sheep

Sincere Skunk

Skilled Skeleton

Slay’n Slug

Sophisticated Stingray

Sorcerer Scholarship

Spiffy Salmon

Spontaneous Seahorse

Steadfast Snake

Stoic Slime

Stunned Sun

Sufficient Shrimp

Supper Sunfish

Swaggy Sea Lion

Sweet Swan

Sympathetic Squid

“Turnt” Tick


Tenacious Termite

Tenacious Turkey

The World Has Plenty Of Love Start Listening To It

Thoughtful Three Horned Harpik

Tidy Troll

Tolerant Tortoise

Tolerant Tuna

Toronto & St. Louis

Tough To Beat A Worm From The Dirt!

Tremendous Tiger

Truculent T-Rex

Trusting Tarantula

Uno Unicorn

Unwavering Urchin

Vibe’n Vampire

Video Game Vulture

“Wine Shopping Spree” Woodchuk

Hard-Working Wombat


Warm Wolverine

Well-Connected Werewolf

Well-Rounded Warthog

When You Live For Their Validation You Aren’t Living

Who Was Born In 1997

Wild Wallaby

Willful Wizard

Wily Wild Boar

Wise Wasp

Witty Weasel

Woke Walrus

Workout Wolf

Garage Sale Yale

Yolo Yak 

Your Poor Relationship With Time Is Your Biggest Vulnerability

Zealous Zombie

Zestful Zebra

Now that you’ve got your official VeeFriends avatar, I want to see them. Tag me on Twitter or join the Discord and let me know what you think…and don’t forget to share this blog with a friend who’s overdue for a new profile pic 😉


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