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Made a huge announcement yesterday to make it easier for you guys to get the best wine deals:!!

In case you didn’t see on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or my text community, the site went live yesterday (July 2nd) and we’re taking signups. 

I’m always coming up with new ways to innovate and keep growing Wine Library – this text messaging service will bring greater convenience to the wine game by sending you the best deals directly.

The reason I’m sharing this post is A) many of you buy wine from sites with “Deal of the Day” concepts and I would love for you to support my dad’s business, and B) text-first is a really interesting new world for a lot of us. I think more of you should be thinking about text-first for your business and see how you can apply it, especially if you’re in retail.

A text message to your phone and a simple reply from you saying what you want. 

If you drink wine or if you want to see what we’re doing and apply it to your business, take a minute and sign up here. So pumped for this 🙂 


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