#QOTD: Are you gonna take me up on my advice on replying to people on Instagram and using Twitter video? Or are you just gonna nod your head and move on and not do the tactics?
1:07 – I know you’re not big on automation, but it’s a reality. You’re an advisor to HubSpot. Thoughts on that space?
4:44 – My computer is sitting in my lap and I’m reading twitter on my phone? Why, exactly?
5:55 – If you owned a CrossFit gym, how would you attack the marketplace?
8:59 – Why is it a crime to ‘like’ your own pictures on Instagram? Why will you be shunned for it?
9:49 – Do you still believe marketing is headed towards one on one marketing?
REASONS TO NEVER AUTOMATE https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/never-…
RANT ON AUTOMATION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLxqG…
I think I need to clarify my POV on automation. So here I go.
I don’t like automation when it’s replacing something that could and should be done by a human. For example, I don’t like the idea of an automatic direct message that sends when you follow somebody, or somebody follows you. It feels very spammy.
However, automation does some times make sense. We use it at Wine Library. When your order is confirmed, we send an email that says “Hey, your order is ready.”
There is a fine line between what one would quantify as the thing that a human should do and the thing a computer should do. When automation tries to take the place of a human, that is when things get weird. When you use a computer to automatically populate names into mass emails that are SUPPOSED to look personal, that’s messed up. When you sign an automation with your own name as if you did, that is also messed up.
To me, it all comes around to the intent of the automation. If you’re trying to “trick” someone into thinking it’s a person, that is where things get tricky.
One would argue that automating makes for a lot of conversion. But for me, I think there is more value in someone reaching out personally. I don’t want a computer to be responding to you as me. When I have free moments, I try to answer every email I get. Personally.
So automation makes sense for a lot of things. But people are trying to use it to scale humans when there is a human element that matters. Ask yourself right now: does automation bug you when it tries to be human?
The answer is YES.
This was an excellent read. Very thorough and well-researched.