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Let’s start with the basics, if you’re not signed up for my texting platform, hit me up at 1-212-931-5731 and we’ll take care of that!

Second, if you are signed up, I want you to know that we now have “groups” that let you opt-into and receive the texts you want most.

It’s super simple – just text me with the following hashtag or hashtags you care about, and you’ll get all the messages I send out on those subjects. See the screen shot example below.

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How to opt-in and opt-out to groups

You can opt-in by simply texting me the hashtags you’re interested in. If you ever want to opt-out of any of the above groups, just reply with #optout and the group name and we’ll remove you from that group. There will be no confirmation message in either case.

The process is as simple as the example text message below …

Here’s a little video demo on how to opt-in and opt-out:

“What if I want to opt-in to all the topics?”

Copy and paste the above list and send it!

“What if I don’t opt-in to any topics?”

You’ll still get messages that I sent out to all community members, just not specific ones around specific hashtags.