#QOTD: Will you when, when live streaming wearable technology comes, Truman show your life, or will you consume Truman shows? Give me a breakdown, putting out content vs. consuming content.#TIMESTAMPS1:12…
#QOTD: I need your fantasy baseball sleeper. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, give me your technology app sleeper. Don't use Meerkat.#TIMESTAMPS2:16 - What do most people…
#QOTD: How many siblings do you have? What are their names?#REQUEST OF THE DAY: If you are listening to the Podcast, please leave a review on iTunes! :)#TIMESTAMPS2:22 - How…
Of course it's worth promoting your content if you do it properly. I've talked about Facebook dark posts ad nauseum. But the real question you need to ask yourself first…
Work Harder and Work Faster How do you work 100% for clients and another 100% for your own brand? The answer is simple: you need to work harder. And faster.…