#QOTD, from Suzy Welch: In our book we make the case that the place you should be working is something we call your "area of destiny." It's the intersection of…
#QOTD, PART 1: Would you "televise" anything on Meerkat or Periscope consistently? #QOTD, PART 2: How much time in a 24-hour day would you allocate to watching something live on…
Replying on Twitter is the number one way to engage on the platform right now. Why? Because as of right now, Twitter has a noise problem. A big one. And…
#QOTD: Will you when, when live streaming wearable technology comes, Truman show your life, or will you consume Truman shows? Give me a breakdown, putting out content vs. consuming content.#TIMESTAMPS1:12…
#QOTD: I need your fantasy baseball sleeper. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, give me your technology app sleeper. Don't use Meerkat.#TIMESTAMPS2:16 - What do most people…